The Tier 7 Medium Tier List (9.22)

Yo guys,

This is the tier 7 medium tank tier list, with explanations for each tank on the bottom. I chose this tier since I've played many of these tanks, and really enjoyed their diverse playstyles, though some felt stronger than others. Here's my take on which are the best overall, tier for tier.


S+ Tier

  • The T20 has an amazing gun overall, with good alpha, penetration, and handling, as well as being able to mount a vertical stabilizer. In higher tiers matches, the gun's high APCR penetration keeps in competitive. Its only real flaw is its low DPM.
  • Can assume a variety of roles, including support tank, passive scout, hill fighter, etc. The tank can flex and find a use in virtually any matchup or map.
  • Though it lacks any effective armor, it can easily stay hidden due to excellent view range, mobility, and gun depression. These characteristics grant the T20 unmatched reliability and flexibility for its tier.

S Tier

  • Very good base damage and penetration for its 100mm gun; has improved DPM over the T20. Also has slightly faster shell velocity, but significantly worse gun handling and accuracy.
  • Extremely strong turret armor. Thick, rounded, and small turret makes hull-down tactics amazing when in the right position, although poor gun depression limits this potential somewhat.
  • The tank's low profile has two benefits. First, it gives it the best camo of any tier 7 medium, making the tank well suited for passive scouting/ambushing. Second, in close quarters, taller tanks will have trouble aiming down below the tough turret armor or even hitting the tank at all, allowing the T-34-1 to 1v1 most of them through sidehugging (here's an example).
  • Below average mobility and gun handling compared to other tier 7 meds, and its hull armor, when hit, is prone to module damage. Nevertheless, it remains a strong performer in most matchups.
  • Fantastic mobility, with 60 km/h top speed, good acceleration, and decent traverse speed.
  • Above average gun handling on both of its guns. Similarly to the Comet, can work as a sniper/flanker with the 75mm with average damage and penetration, but great accuracy and decent DPM.
  • The 100mm gun puts large alpha on a highly mobile platform, giving the Leo the chance to ambush or even trade. Though accuracy and DPM are low, the Leo gets to deal damage with less exposure than when using the 75mm.
  • Thin armor makes the tank vulnerable, but like the T20, it can rely on the use of cover and vision. Thanks to its mobility and 10 degrees of gun depression, the Leo has a high skill ceiling for good players.

A Tier

  • Has solid armor for a medium tank without sacrificing mobility. This gives a major advantage when fighting lower tiers and can help it gain the upper hand in a duel.
  • 85mm gun has improved ROF and dispersion from the T-34-85, though its penetration can definitely feel lacking at times. Also has worse gun depression with only 5 degrees.
  • Lowest view range of its peers (360m) hurts the tank's scouting potential, despite its decent camo and mobility. Otherwise, its other stats hold up well and make it a good all-arounder.
  • Looks similar to the Cromwell, yet it gains better view range, slightly improved firepower, and the ability to use vert stabs. Also gets a new turret with amazing gun depression, perfect for abusing terrain.
  • Its mobility, while still good, is a downgrade from the Cromwell. Has less top speed, worse acceleration, in addition to a disappointingly low traverse speed.
  • The gun itself suffers from poor shell velocity with AP, and its penetration/alpha can feel mediocre sometimes. This can be compensated by firing APCR, however. It also has good accuracy and boasts the highest DPM of any tier 7 medium, making it a deadly flanker.
Konštrukta T-34/100:
  • The highlight of the tank is in its name: the 100mm gun it wields. It has equivalent damage and penetration to the T-34-1, but with much improved aim time, accuracy, and DPM, approaching that of tier 8 mediums.
  • Carries a HEAT round with 250mm penetration, allowing it to cut through even tier 8 heavies from the front.
  • Mobility is serviceable, with a good top speed and acceleration on flat ground.
  • Lack of armor, frequent module damage, and large profile can make the tank awkward in direct engagements. Taking on a supporting role with careful use of cover is required, as its lack of gun depression means it can't rely on using terrain to stay hidden.
VK 30.02D:
  • A German jack-of-all-trades. With recent buffs, it now boasts the best-in-class mobility of any tier 7 medium, allowing it to zip around the battlefield.
  • Sloped armor profile gives it a good chance to bounce shells with proper angling, such as when poking corners or sidescraping. Turret also has tough portions on the gun mantlet and autobounce cheeks, making it tricky to get a good shot into it.
  • While the tank performs well overall, its 88mm gun can be unwieldy at range, as it isn't particularly accurate, in addition to suffering from low penetration and shell velocity. When flanking targets at close-range, however, its decent handling, good alpha, and good DPM will allow it deal a lot of damage.

B Tier

  • With good terrain resistances and traverse speed, the A-44 has the best overall mobility of the tier 7 Russian mediums, in addition to decent armor and excellent damage per shot on its 107mm gun.
  • However, the tank also suffers from dramatic flaws that can make it difficult to play effectively. Most notably, it's rear mounted turret allows for easy sidescraping, but can make the tank awkward in many other situations.
  • The tank suffers from a horrible 3 degrees of gun depression, which is noticeable on anything other than flat ground. The gun is also unreliable at mid-to-long range due to very poor aim time and accuracy, as well as huge dispersion from turning the turret.
  • Can truly dominate in flat, urban maps, but has a hard time elsewhere.
  • Despite being a tier higher than the T-34-85, the T-43 feels a lot like the same tank and doesn't offer many significant improvements.
  • Mobility and armor (mostly notably on the hull) are somewhat enhanced, but remain merely average for its tier.
  • The gun is the most disappointing aspect. Unlike the KV-13, its dispersion is unimproved from the T-34-85, giving it horrible accuracy on the move and making the low penetration even more of an issue. The DPM is decent, however, so the tank can still provide support fire if played correctly.
  • Boasts the best accuracy and penetration of the tier 7 mediums, with solid DPM to back it up. The tank theoretically would be one of the best snipers if it were not for two problems: low alpha and a large profile.
  • Having low alpha makes the Panther unable to trade effectively, also forcing itself to be exposed more often than in other snipers. Combined with the tank's poor camouflage, remaining unspotted within the view range cap is unlikely; other enemy snipers and artillery pose a serious threat.
  • Brawling is difficult due to its size and somewhat negligible armor. It can flank slow targets, but other medium tanks are better in this regard, as they are often faster, more agile, and don't need the ultra-high penetration of the Panther while shooting at enemy sides and rears.
  • Overall, the Panther still performs best as a long-range support tank. With 8 degrees of gun depression and a small turret, the tank can minimize its profile behind a ridge.
Panther M/10:
  • Very similar to the original Panther, but has a weaker gun and does not see tier 9s due to preferential MM.
  • Inherits the same problems as the regular Panther, but now also has to deal with having poor penetration against tier 8s. It does have better gun handling, so flanking is a bit easier, but still tricky due to its below-average mobility and large profile.

C Tier

  • The C tier stands for Chi-Ri tier. Why are high tier Japanese mediums rarely seen? Well, here's one reason.
  • The tank is sluggish, very large, and poorly armored, giving it the reputation of being an easy target or free damage. This makes fighting against any tank a pain once spotted, and artillery a death sentence.
  • Has two upsides: good gun depression, and a 3-shot autoloader. However, low penetration and the tank being an easy target effectively nullifies its potential for damage output in most situations.
  • The best bet to playing this tank is to sit behind a ridge and hope that enemy tanks wander into your line of fire, or trying to tag along other allies and firing into distracted enemies. Cover is a must at all times; in the open, the tank will not last long.

As an extra note, out of all these tanks, the T20 and Leo tie for highest expected damage values for WN8. The KV-13 has the lowest expected by a significant margin, with even lower expected damage values than its tier 7 light tank counterpart, the LTG.

I didn't include the T23E3 in the tier list due to its rarity; I haven't seen one for months! With its low penetration and speed, it probably would fit in the B tier, though.
I tried to be as objective as possible, but take this tier list with a grain of salt still. How well a tank does will vary from person to person: a good player can make a bad tank work, and bad play can make any tank look bad.

My personal favorites? I currently own the T-34-1, Leo, and VK 30.02D. I've recently sold the KV-13, but only to buy the Object 140 during the sale.

Hopefully this tier list was helpful. What do you think about it?

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